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University History

 Group Programming Leader

January 2021 - April 2017

In my Journeyman project in my second year at Teesside University, I was made the Programming lead for our team. This meant that I had to organize jobs for all the programmers and convey any concerns between the designers/artists and the programmers. Another part of being the programming lead was making presentations to show of our progress during the project every two weeks. I believe I handled this job very well and all the programmers had achieved everything we aimed to achieve to a high standard during the project. 

Group Programming Leader

September 2022 - December 2022

In my Beta Arcade project in my final year at Teesside University, I was made the Programming lead for our team. This meant that I had to organize jobs for all the programmers and convey any concerns between the designers/artists and the programmers. I believe I handled this job very well and all the programmers had achieved everything we aimed to achieve to a high standard during the project. 

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